finding an Alias
The Aven before he started investigating the alien incursions cases thought he needed a good Alias. The Aven tested out a few with Eliza and John. He asked," I'm John Smith?" Eliza Delaware said," That alias doesn't work for you." John Pond in agreement said," No, try a different one." The Aven said," okay, I'm Jacob swan?" Eliza Delaware said," Sounds too twilight-y." John Pond said," She's right, that does sound too much like twilight." The Aven said," I'm not using that then, I'm Cody Samson?" Eliza Delaware said," Too much like a bad spy movie." John Pond said," Yes, that would be too on the nose." The Aven said," Alright so not using that one either, okay how about this. I'm Jason Rock?" Eliza Delaware said,"Now that works for you Aven." John Pond said," Perfect." After finishing their food they left the diner.